SportsApple is an easy to use fitness and activity tracker. You can log your activity whether it’s a weight, time, count or distance event. You can create and track goals, and view valuable statistics and reports of your activity.
Becoming our app user gives you the following benefits:
• Summary Report – see your year to date statistics. This includes your total and avg weekly/workout calories, total amount of weight moved and much more!
The summary report also gives you access to:
- Total Calories Graph – This graph gives a weekly breakdown of your calories for the entire year.
- Cumulative Goals Graph – This graph gives a weekly breakdown of your goals for the entire year.
• Year-to-date Goal Status – see year to date statistics for your goals. This gives you an insight on how close or far you stand from your goals.
• Year Totals Report – see the total year statistics for your weight, time, distance and count activities.
• Daily Activity Report – see your daily activities with a date selection.
• Print & Email Reports – print your reports or email them to your trainers in .csv format.
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